
Installing the structure

نصب سازه

Installing the structure

Nowadays the installation of metal skeleton structures and construction is the constitutive of the cornerstone of most buildings, and today it is widely heard in the field of construction. The steel skeleton frame structure is made up of steel and consists of beams and columns connected vertically and horizontally to each other, and the skeleton frame keeps the building stable with the help of these columns.

Buildings constructed with steel skeleton frame have a very high resistance and strength to stress and external agents. Because the properties of the metals are much higher than that of concrete structures, this makes their variability much less and longer. In addition, it’s best to know that the less weight of a metal structure always makes buildings constructed with this type of structure better balanced than concrete structures. The metal structure is divided into a variety of types depending on the type of joints between them, including the bolted metal skeleton frame, the welded metal skeleton frame, the rivets, etc. which are designed and constructed depending on the requirements and the location used.

Nowadays, the most commonly materials used in various types of structures are steel and concrete. Amongst the variety of structures, conventional structures such as commercial, office, residential, hotels, hospitals and multistory parking against specialized structures, such as bridges, containers, silos, cooling towers and dams, are categorized as the name “framed shape structures” or “building frames” or “frame” is abbreviated.

Construction frames can be concrete or steel. The concrete frames are divided into two categories of reinforced concrete frames and prestressed concrete frames. On the other hand, steel frames are divided into two types of welded and bolted.

 Technical comparison of all types of structural skeleton frame

Frames have two functions: gravity loads bearing (dead and live loads) and earthquake and wind loads bearing. Gravitational loads are introduced vertically to the frames, while earthquake and wind loads act sideways.


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